Russia's War on Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a war of aggression that we condemn in the strongest possible terms. We are very worried about the people in Ukraine. With our research and expertise on Ukraine and the entire region of Eastern Europe, we at ZOiS will continue to contribute to the fact-based assessment of the situation. We also strive to maintain our contacts with researchers, journalists and artists who are in need, have had to flee, or come under political pressure, regardless of where they are located.
Our online dossier gathers relevant background information in addition to recent articles and assessments by ZOiS experts.
External publications by ZOiS experts in academic and other journals, edited volumes, and blogs.
ZOiS Experts in the Media
Putins Schattenkrieg
Article with assessments by Gwendolyn Sasse (12/07/2024)
Ukraine-Wiederaufbau-Konferenz: Wer zahlt was und ab wann?
Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse on Deutschlandfunk Kultur (11/06/2024)
Zelensky’s Diplomatic Offensive
Gwendolyn Sasse with a commentary in the Strategic Europe blog of Carnegie Europe (11/06/2024)
The U.S. Aid Package to Ukraine Is a Short-Term Fix
Article by Gwendolyn Sasse for Carnegie Europe (23/04/2024)
Waffen liefern, Waffenruhe debattieren?
Discussion with Gwendolyn Sasse on Deutschlandfunk (20/03/2024)
Osteuropa-Expertin: "Friedensverhandlungen sind Wunschdenken von außen"
Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse for (15/03/2024)
Putins imperiale Politik
Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse for Deutschlandfunk (29/02/2024)
Fehlende Generation? Wie sich die Ukraine und Russland verändern
Article for BR24 with comments by Félix Krawatzek (27/02/2024)
Deux ans de guerre en Ukraine
Interview with Félix Krawatzek on Radio-Canada Ohdio (23/02/2024)
Zwei Jahre Krieg in der Ukraine - schwindet die westliche Unterstützung?
Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse on NDR Info Radio (22/02/2024)
Zwischen Trauer und Kampf: Julia Nawalnaja fordert Putin heraus
Article with assessments by Gwendolyn Sasse and Alexandra Prokopenko (20/02/2024)
The Slippery Slope of Speculating on Ukraine
Article by Gwendolyn Sasse for Carnegie Europe (20/02/2024)
Zwei Jahre nach dem Überfall: Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine
Recording of a lecture by Gwendolyn Sasse on Deutschlandfunk Nova (15/02/2024)
Selenskyj und Saluschnyj: Rivalen inmitten des Krieges
Article with assessments by Gwendolyn Sasse for the Augsburger Allgemeine (01/02/2024)
New counter-offensive coming in spring, says Kyiv spy chief & Ukraine hits another Russian oil refinery
Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse for the Telegraph Podcast 'Ukraine: The Latest' (31/01/2024)
Russia's War Against Ukraine
Gwendolyn Sasse on the LSE European Institute Podcast (31/01/2024)
Ukraine-Krieg: Tausende Forschende haben inzwischen Russland verlassen
Interview with Tatiana Golova at Deutschlandfunk (19/01/2024)
Ukraine’s New Year of Military and Political Challenges
Article by Gwendolyn Sasse for Carnegie Europe (16/01/2024)
Streit um neue Militärhilfe: Wie stark wird Putin, wenn der Westen die Ukraine fallen lässt?
Article by Gwendolyn Sasse and others for Tagesspiegel (21/12/2023)
Wir müssen mehr tun
Open letter in DIE ZEIT signed by Gwendolyn Sasse (19/12/2023)
Moving Beyond Resilience in Ukraine’s Recovery
Article by Anastasiya Leukhina for Carnegie Europe (05/12/2023)
Гвендолин Сасс: «Это не “война в Украине”, а война России против Украины»
Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse for Golos Ameriki (28/11/2023)
EU-Kommission für Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Ukraine - Wie stehen Sie dazu?
Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse on BR2 (10/11/2023)
Europe’s Support for Ukraine Cannot Waver
Article by Gwendolyn Sasse for Carnegie Europe (31/10/2023)
Putins rote Linie – Wem gehört die Krim?
Discussion with Gwendolyn Sasse on SWR2 Forum (11/10/2023)