Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS)

ZOiS Spotlight 3/2025 | Félix Krawatzek

Shifting Allegiances: Families with a Russian Background and the German Election

German voters with a Russian background were once a safe bet for the CDU/CSU. Now their loyalties are more dispersed, with a significant share of them supporting the AfD and the BSW. A ZOiS survey shows how generational differences and the war in Ukraine are likely to influence their choices at the ballot box.
Spotlight on Ukraine 13 | Olena Strelnyk

The Feminist Movement in War-Torn Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities

The war has sidelined the struggle for women's rights and gender equality in Ukraine. The population is also divided on gender issues. At the same time, Ukraine's struggle to find an identity based on ‘Western’ values is opening up new opportunities to advance feminist ideas.
ZOiS Report 6/2024 | Andriy Fert

War and Religion: Views from Within Ukraine’s ‘Russian’ Church

Religion is another battlefield in Russia’s war against Ukraine. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) has come under intense state pressure due to its perceived ties to Russia. A new ZOiS Report based on interviews with ordinary UOC members offers a more nuanced picture of the ‘Russian’ church in Ukraine.
Meet the Author | Hans Gutbrod

‘The term genocide risks conflating what are often very different experiences’

How can societies remember difficult past events in a way that ‘forges a better peace in the future’? In ‘Ethics of Political Commemoration’ Hans Gutbrod and David Wood propose a new paradigm aimed at scholars and citizens alike. In our interview, Gutbrod draws on some examples from Ireland, Georgia and Armenia.

Russia's War against Ukraine

On 24 Feburary 2022, Russia began the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Our online dossier gathers relevant information in the form of videos, podcasts, publications and assessments of our experts in the media.

War on Ukraine and cooperation with partners in Russia

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a war of aggression that we condemn in the strongest possible terms. Against this background, we have decided to suspend all institutional cooperations between ZOiS and Russian state institutions. However, in the spirit of academic freedom, the academic partnerships our researchers have established with individual researchers in Russia will continue, as far as this is possible.
Research Clusters

Reseachers from various academic disciplines do research in five clusters: Societies between Stability and Change, Conflict Dynamics and Border Regions, Migration and Diversity, Youth in Eastern Europe, and Political Economy and Integration.


Roundtable Osteuropa

Roundtable Osteuropa is a podcast by the Centre for East European and International Studies. Scholars of ZOiS and their guests discuss their research of Eastern Europe. We consider events in politics and society, while also trying to shed light on lesser-known issues – with insights from sociology, political science, geography, social anthropology, literary studies and theology.


External Academic Publications

Reseachers from various academic disciplines do research in five clusters and publish their result in peer-reviewed journals.