External Academic Publications
The most recent external publications by ZOiS reseachers by subject area.
Societies between Stability and Change
Elsner, Regina. The Russian Orthodox Church and Modernity. A Historical and Theological Investigation into Eastern Christianity between Unity and Plurality. Hannover: ibidem, 2021.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Douglas, Nadja. The role of trust in Belarusian societal mobilization (2020–2021). International Journal of Comparative Sociology, online first.
- Douglas, Nadja. Police and protest in the digital age – a post-Soviet comparison of citizen-police relations. In: Policing and Society, 2023, online first.
- Douglas, Nadja. Belarus: “Securitization” of State Politics and the Impact on State-Society Relations. In: Nationalities Papers, 2023, 51(4), pp. 855–874.
- Krawatzek, Félix; George Soroka. Defending History? The Impact of Context and Speaker in Russia. Perspectives on Politics, online first.
- Krawatzek, Félix; Blake Ewing. Critical Junctures beyond the Black Box: Crisis and the Political Contestation of Time. Journal of Language and Politics, 2023, 22:1, pp. 22–4.
- Onuch, Olga; Sasse, Gwendolyn; Michiels, Sébastien. Flowers, Tractors, & Telegram: Who are the Protesters in Belarus?: A Survey Based Assessment of Anti-Lukashenka Protest Participants. In: Nationalities Papers, 2023, 51(2) pp. 1–26.
- Elsner, Regina. Questioning the concept of ‘religious activism’ in Russian Orthodoxy from a theological perspective. In: Religion, State and Society, 51(1), 2023, pp. 30–48.
- Elsner, Regina. Ukrainian Churches and the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Ukraine: Being Europe Without Accepting “Gender”. In: The Review of Faith and International Affairs, 2022, 20(3), pp. 63–76.
- Onuch, Olfga; Sasse, Gwendolyn. Anti-regime action and geopolitical polarization: understanding protester dispositions in Belarus. In: Post-Soviet Affairs, 2022, 38(1-2), pp. 62–87.
- Krawatzek, Félix; Soroka, George. Circulation, Conditions, Claims: Examining the Politics of Historical Memory. Special Issue Here to Stay: The Politics of History in Eastern Europe. In: East European Politics and Society, 2021, 36(1).
- Krawatzek, Félix; Soroka, George. Remembering a Contentious Past: Resistance and Collaboration in the Former Soviet Union. Special Issue Here to Stay: The Politics of History in Eastern Europe. In: East European Politics and Society, 2021, 36(1).
Chapters in edited volumes
- Elsner, Regina. Autokephalie der ukrainischen Orthodoxie. Die Politisierung der Kirchen im postsowjetischen Raum. In: Besl, Marco; Oelko, Simone (Hrsg.): Politische Macht und orthodoxer Glaube. Beziehungen zwischen Politik und Religion in Osteuropa. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2023, S. 53–68.
- Kampkötter, Christian; Friess, Nina. Serhij Žadan. In: Pörzgen, Yvonne (Hrsg.). Ukrainische Gegenwartsliteratur. edition text+kritik. München: Richard Boorberg Verlag, 2022, S. 113–128.
- Elsner, Regina. Zwischen Patriarchat und Pussy Riot. Männer, Frauen und Gender in der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche. In: Martin, Silke; Schwaderer, Isabella; Waldner, Katharina (Hrsg.). Religion und Gender. Konzepte - Erfahrungen - Medien. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2022, S. 47–76.
- Elsner, Regina. Toward an Orthodox Social Ethos? Socio-Ethical Negotiations in Ukrainian Orthodoxy. In: Bremer, Thomas; Brüning, Alfons; Kizenko, Nadieszda (eds.). Orthodoxy in Two Manifestations? The Conflict in Ukraine as Expression of a Fault Line in World Orthodoxy. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022, pp. 97–120.
Elsner, Regina. Die Orthodoxen Kirchen in Osteuropa und Covid-19. In: Bukovec, Predrag; Volgger, Ewald (Hrsg.). Liturgie und Covid-19. Erfahrungen und Problematisierungen. Schriften der Katholischen Privat-Universität Linz. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2021, Band 11, S. 192–210.
- Douglas, Nadja. A Contested Public Space: Protest and Policing in Armenia. In: Neugebauer, Carola; Darieva, Tsypylma (eds.). Urban Activism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Strategies and Practices. Dom Publishers, 2020, pp. 44–51.
- Eschment, Beate; Kachkeev, Maksat. Zentralasien. In: Benz, Arthur; Bröchler, Stephan; Lauth, Hans-Joachim (Hrsg.). Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Seit 1989. Bonn: Dietz Verlag, 2019, Band 5, S. 30.
- Ельснер, Регіна; Сігов, Костянтин. 'Людська гідність': Виклик і шлях. Збірник статей. Київ: Дух і літера, 2021. [Elsner, Regina; Sihov, Kostyantyn. 'Lyuds’ka hidnist’: Vyklyk i shlyakh. Zbirnyk statey. Kyyiv: Dukh i litera, 2021.]
- Эльснер, Регина; Сигов, Константин. Достоинство человека: Вызов и путь. Сборник статей. Киев: Дух і літера, 2021. [Elsner, Regina; Sihov, Kostyantyn. Dostoinstvo cheloveka: Vyzov i put’. Sbornik statey. Kiyev: Dukh і lіtera, 2021.]
Other publications
- Bergmann, Julian; Kosmehl, Miriam; Langbein, Julia; Sasse, Gwendolyn. Multiple Missions in the Midst of War: Integrating Ukraine’s Recovery and EU Accession. German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 2023.
- Elsner, Regina. Kriegstreiber oder Friedenskraft? Zur Rolle der Kirchen in Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine. In: Communicatio Socialis. Zeitschrift für Medienethik und Kommunikation in Religion und Gesellschaft, 2022, 55(4), S. 479–491.
- Elsner, Regina. Kampf gegen die „Kirche des Aggressors“. In: Karenina. Petersburger Dialog Online, 06.12.2022.
- Frieß, Nina; Achilli, Alessandro; Finkelstein, Miriam. Russophonie – Russische Sprache im Plural. In: Dekoder, 2023.
- Frieß, Nina. In der Sprache des Feindes. In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 08.07.2022.
Conflict Dynamics and Border Regions
Sasse, Gwendolyn. Russia’s War against Ukraine. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2023.
- Löwis, Sabine von. Das Phantom der alten Grenze am Zbruč. Kontinuitäten und Brüche sozialräumlicher Strukturen in der Westukraine. In: Phantomgrenzen in Ostmitteleuropa. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2019, Band 7.
- Sasse, Gwendolyn. Russia’s War against Ukraine: A Trio of Virtual Special Issues. In: Europe-Asia-Studies, 2023.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Crivenco, Andrei; Löwis, Sabine von. Shrinking Transnistria. Trends and Effects of Demographic Decline in a De Facto State. In: Comparative Southeast European Studies, 2022, 70(1), pp. 47-79.
- Elsner, Regina. Dynamics of Russian Orthodox Ethics of Peace and War: Sketching Shifts from the Cold War to the War in Ukraine. In: The Uppsala Yearbook of Eurasian Studie, 2022, 3, pp. 39–55.
- Löwis, Sabine von; Sasse, Gwendolyn. A Border Regime in the Making? The Case of the Contact Line in Ukraine'. In: Historical Social Research, 2021, 46(3), pp. 208–244.
- Zotova, Maria; Gritsenko; Anton; Löwis, Sabine. Insiders or Strangers? Changing Cross-Border Practices and Attitudes Towards Neighbors in Belgorod and Rostov Regions of Russia after 2014. In: Journal RAS, 2021, 1, pp. 124–144.
- Douglas, Nadja. Fault Lines between East and West: Which Levers Can Rebuild Confidence? In: Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, 2020.
- Mikheieva, Oksana, Jaroszewicz, Marta. Editorial Introduction: Migration Dynamics, Trajectories and Policies in the Context of Russian Full-Scale Aggression against Ukraine. In: Central and Eastern European Migration Review 2023, 12(1), pp. 115–126.
Sasse, Gwendolyn. Russia’s War against Ukraine: A Trio of Virtual Special Issues. In: Russia’s War against Ukraine: A Trio of Virtual Special Issues Part 1, Europe-Asia-Studies, 2023, pp. 1–3.
Sasse, Gwendolyn. Russian Neo-Imperialism: Official Discourse and Domestic Legitimation. In: Russia’s War against Ukraine: A Trio of Virtual Special Issues Part 2, Europe-Asia-Studies, 2023, pp. 1–3.
Sasse, Gwendolyn. Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: One Year On. In: Russia’s War against Ukraine: A Trio of Virtual Special Issues, Europe-Asia-Studies Part 3, 2023, pp. 1–3.
- Sasse, Gwendolyn. Introduction: War and Displacement - The Case of Ukraine. In: Europe-Asia Studies, 2020, 72(3), pp. 347–355.
- Sasse, Gwendolyn; Lackner, Alice. The Displaced as "Ordinary Citizens": Exploring Variation in the Political Attitudes of the Displaced from Donbas. In: Europe-Asia Studies, 2020, 72(3), pp. 354–382.
- Zhurzhenko, Tatiana. Everyday Europeanization and Bottom-Up Geopolitics at the Ukrainian-Polish Border. Geopolitics, online first.
Chapters in edited volumes
- Löwis, Sabine von. Die Grenzen der Ukraine. Koordinaten der politischen Geografie. In: Benz, Wolfgang (Hrsg.). Die Ukraine. Kampf um Unabhängigkeit. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Metropol, 2023, pp. 303–318.
- Zhurzhenko, Tatiana. Making and Unmaking the Ukrainian-Russian Border since 1991. In: Palko, Olena; Ardeleanu, Constantin (eds.). Making Ukraine: Negotiating, Contesting and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2022, pp. 329–354.
- Douglas, Nadja; Muschick, Simon. The Withdrawal of Russian Troops from the Republic of Moldova in the Context of International Confidence- and Security-Building Efforts. In: Meissner, Christoph; Morré, Jörg (eds.). Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from East-Central Europe. National Perspectives in Comparison. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021, pp. 297–312.
- Golovakha, Evgenii; Ivashchenko-Stadnik, Kateryna; Mikheieva, Oksana; Sereda, Viktoriya. From Patronalism to Civic Belonging: The Changing Dynamics of the National-Civic Identity in Ukraine. In: Madlovics, Bálint; Magyar, Bálint (eds.). Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2023 pp. 297–330.
- Löwis, Sabine von. Hybride Raumproduktionen. Phantomgrenzen als Konzept zur Erklärung ambivalenter Identifikationsräume in der Ukraine. In: Dubasevych, Roman; Cwiklinski, Sebastian (Hrsg.). Sirenen des Krieges. Diskursive und affektive Dimensionen des Ukraine-Konflikts. Berlin: Kadmos-Verlag, 2020, S. 307–327.
- Mikheieva, Oksana; Sereda, Viktoriya; Kuzemska, Lidia. Forced Displacement of Ukrainians during the War: Patterns of Internal and External Migration (2014–2022). In: Madlovics, Bálint; Magyar, Bálint (eds.). Russia's Imperial Endeavor and Its Geopolitical Consequences: The Russia-Ukraine War 2. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2023, pp. 199–228.
- Löwis, Sabine von; Eschment, Beate. Post-Soviet Borders. A Kaleidoscope of Shifting Lives and Lands. New York: Routledge, 2022.
- Isachenko, Daria; Minakov, Mykhailo; Sasse, Gwendolyn. Post-Soviet Secessionism. Nation-Building and State-Failure after Communism. Columbia University Press/ibidem Press, 2020.
- Sasse, Gwendolyn. War and Displacement: The Case of Ukraine. In: Europe-Asia Studies, 2020, 72(3).
Other publications
- Douglas, Nadja; Wolff, Stefan. Confidence Building in the Shadow of War: Moldova, Transdniestria, and the Uncertain Future of the 5+2 Process. OSCE Insights, 2023.
- Elsner, Regina. 2022. 'Religionsfreiheit in der Ukraine: Ein Menschenrecht als Instrument der Kriegspropaganda'. In: Kirche und Recht vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
Grävingholt, Jörn; Faust, Jörg; Libman, Alexander; Richter, Solveig; Sasse, Gwendolyn; Stewart, Susan. Rebuilding Ukraine: What the international community now needs to consider. German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Policy Brief, 2023.
Sasse, Gwendolyn. Research(ers) in Times of War. In: Ukrainian Analytical Digest Nr. 02, 10/2023, pp. 2–3.
Sasse, Gwendolyn. Wissenschaft im Krieg. Herausforderungen – und Chancen. Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 286, 2023, S. 26–27.
Migration and Diversity
- Darieva, Tsypylma. Making a Homeland. Roots and Routes of Transnational Armenian Engagement. Transcript: Bielefeld, 2023.
- Mützelburg, Irina. Transferring Asylum Norms to EU Neighbours. Multi-Scalar Policies and Practices in Ukraine. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- Darieva, Tsypylma; Neugebauer, Carola. Urban Activism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Strategies and Practices. Berlin: DOM Publishers, 2020.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Darieva, Tsypylma. Claiming the City: Faith-based Muslim Activism in Georgia. In: Religion, State and Society, 2023, 51(1), pp. 65–82.
Darieva, Tsypylma; Kormina, Jeanne. Introduction. Religious Activism in Eastern Europe and Beyond. In: Religion, State and Society, 2023, 51(1), pp. 2–10.
- Darieva, Tsypylma; McBrien, Julie (eds.). Urban Religious Pluralization: Challenges and Opportunities in the post-Soviet South Caucasus. In: New Diversities, 2021, 23(2).
- Eschment, Beate. The Chechens and Kurds of Kazakhstan between Historical and Second Homelands. In: Central Asian Affairs, 2021, 8(4), pp. 346–371.
- Goldstein, Piotr. Visualising Invisible (Migrant) Activism. In: Entanglements, 2021, 4(1), pp. 24–27.
- Golova, Tatiana. Post-Soviet migrants in Germany, transnational public spheres and Russian soft power. In: Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 2020.
- Darieva, Tsypylma; Guchinova, Elza-Bair. Exploring Contemporary Buddhist Pilgrimage among the Mongolian-Speaking Peoples in Russia. In: Ethnographic Review, 2020, 2, pp. 5–13.
Chapters in edited volumes
- Darieva, Tsypylma. Introduction. In: Darieva, Tsypylma; Mühlfried, Florian; Tuite, Kevin (eds.). Sacred Places-Emerging Spaces: Religious Pluralism in the post-Soviet Caucasus. New York: Berghahn Books, 2018, pp. 1–18.
- Darieva, Tsypylma. Between ‘Great’ and ‘Little’ Traditions? Situating Shia Saints in contemporary Baku'. In: Darieva, Tsypylma; Mühlfried, Florian; Tuite, Kevin (eds.). Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces: Religious Pluralism in the post-Soviet Caucasus. New York: Berghahn Books, 2018, pp. 19–45.
- Krawatzek, Félix; Müller-Funk, Lea. Political Remittances and Political Transnationalism: Practices, Narratives of Belonging and the Role of the State. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019.
Other publications
- Darieva, Tsypylma; Golova, Tatiana. Analyse: Politisches und soziales Engagement von Migrant:innen aus Russland im Kontext von Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine. Russland-Analyse Nr. 436, BpB, online first.
Youth in Eastern Europe
- Krawatzek, Félix. Youth in Regime Crisis: Comparative Perspectives from Russia to Weimar Germany. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Articles in refereed journals
- Krawatzek, Félix. A Sign of Things to Come? Youth and Politics: Regimes, Values and Agency. In: Europe-Asia Studies, 2022, 74(7), pp. 1105–1122.
Krawatzek, Félix; Sasse, Gwendolyn. Transnational Links and Political Attitudes: Young People in Russia. In: Europe-Asia Studies, 2022, 74(7), pp. 1278–1299.
- Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina. A Foundation for Russia? Memories of World War II for Young Russians. In: Nationalities Papers, 2022, pp. 1–21.
- Soroka, George; Krawatzek, Félix. When the Past Is Not Another Country: The Battlefields of History in Russia, Problems of Post-Communism. In: Problems of Post-Communism, 2021, 68(5), pp. 353–367.
- Krawatzek, Félix. Which History Matters? Surveying Russian Youth and Their Understandings of the Past, Problems of Post-Communism. In: Problems of Post-Communism, 2021, 68(5), pp. 402–414.
- Krawatzek, Félix. Legitimate Political Demands? How Young Russians of Different Political Orientation Assess Protests. In: Youth and Globalization, 2020, 2(2), pp. 137–62.
- Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina. Youth and Memory in Europe. Defining the Past, Shaping the Future. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.
Chapters in edited volumes
- Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina. Transmitting the Past to Young Minds. In: Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina (eds.). Youth and Memory in Europe: Defining the Past, Shaping the Future. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 1–24.
- Krawatzek, Félix; Weller, Nina. A Former Soviet Republic? Historical Perspectives on Belarus. In: Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina (eds.). Youth and Memory in Europe: Defining the Past, Shaping the Future. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 27–40.
- Krawatzek, Félix. Without Roots? The Historical Realm of Young Belarusians. In: Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina (eds.). Youth and Memory in Europe: Defining the Past, Shaping the Future. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 41–58.
- McGlynn, Jade; Thaidigsmann, Karoline; Frieß, Nina. Promoting Patriotism, Suppressing Dissent Views: The Making of Historical Narratives and National Identity in Russia and Poland. In: Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina (eds.). Youth and Memory in Europe: Defining the Past, Shaping the Future. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 221–230.
- Frieß, Nina. Engaging Young Readers in History: Alternative Historical Narratives in Contemporary Russian Children’s Literature. In: Krawatzek, Félix; Frieß, Nina (eds.). Youth and Memory in Europe: Defining the Past, Shaping the Future. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 247–260.
Political Economy and Integration
Articles in refereed journals
- Langbein, Julia; Cenusa, Denis; Guruli Irina. EU trade liberalisation, sectoral coalitions and development: insights from Moldova and Georgia. In: Journal of European Integration, 2023, 46(2), pp. 213–234.
- Ocaklı, Beril; Niewöhner, Jörg. Making and Unmaking Gold as a Resource. Resistant Socionatures in Maidan, Kyrgyzstan. In: Geoforum, 2022, 131, pp. 151–162.
- Langbein, Julia; Gazizullin, Ildar; Naumenko, Dmytro. Trade liberalisation and opening in post-soviet limited access orders. In: East European Politics, 2021, 37(1), pp. 139–158.
- Bruszt, László; Langbein, Julia. Manufacturing development: how transnational market integration shapes opportunities and capacities for development in Europe’s three peripheries. In: Review of International Political Economy, 2020.
- Ademmer, Esther; Langbein, Julia; Börzel, Tanja. Varieties of Limited Access Orders: The nexus between politics and economics in hybrid regimes. Governance, 2020, 33(1), pp. 191–208.
- Bruszt, László; Langbein, Julia. Market integration and room for development in the peripheries. In: Review of International Political Economy, 2020.
Other publications
- Bergmann, Julian; Kosmehl, Miriam; Langbein, Julia; Sasse, Gwendolyn. Multiple Missions in the Midst of War: Integrating Ukraine’s Recovery and EU Accession. German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 2023.
- Krüsmann, Valentin; Langbein, Julia; Ocaklı, Beril; Peragovics, Tamás. Zehn Jahre Neue Seidenstraße. Ein Blick nach Ungarn, Serbien, Georgien und Kasachstan (Ten years of the Belt and Road Initiative: Insights from Hungary, Serbia, Georgia and Kazakhstan). In: OSTEUROPA, Ausgabe 7-9/2023, S. 359–368.
- Ocaklı, Beril; Ibele, Benedikt. Georgia’s Modern (Not so Environmental) Problems. The Nature of Road and Energy Infrastructures. In: Mörner, Ninna (ed.). Ecological Concerns in Transition A Comparative Study on Responses to Waste and Environmental Destruction in the Region. Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, CBEES, Södertörn University, 2023, pp. 133–143.
- Langbein, Julia. Economic cooperation between the EU and the associated countries: Making the most of developement opportunities under the DCFTA'. In: LibMod Policy Paper. Berlin: Zentrum Liberale Moderne, August 2020.