Dr. Olena Zinenko

Dr. Olena Zinenko

Olena Zinenko is a journalist and researcher in the field of media studies. Her PhD examined the discourse around public events in the Ukrainian media. She has been a senior lecturer in the Media and Communications department of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University since 2018. As a journalist, she has worked for various media in Ukraine (newspapers, radio, TV, online media), with this practical experience providing the basis for her media studies research. She was a fellow in the Viadrina International Program for Graduates in 2017 and 2019 and a guest researcher at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) in 2022/23. Since 24 February 2022, she has been involved in monitoring the discourse on the war in Ukrainian online and social media. The findings of this research have been presented in various publications, including reports aimed at advising state authorities and chief security officers on information and communication policies. In the Ukraine ResearchNetwork@ZOiS, she worked on a project about the mediatisation of the war in the discourse of popular culture from September 2023 until August 2024.
Research interests
- Media discourse analysis
- Journalism studies
- Social communications
- Memory studies