Welcoming Displaced Ukrainians: Actors and Spaces of Solidarity in Estonia and Latvia
Welcoming Displaced Ukrainians: Actors and Spaces of Solidarity in Estonia and Latvia
This event is part of the research network 'Emerging Russian Diasporas and Anti-war Movements' (ERDAM).
Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 prompted an exodus of Ukrainians to different parts of Europe, including the Baltic states in Russia’s immediate neighbourhood. Estonia and Latvia welcomed many displaced people from the Russian-occupied territories in eastern Ukraine. In our presentation, we will look at forms and places of solidarity that facilitated the arrival of people from Ukraine, including the question of how Russian migrants interacted with displaced Ukrainians.
In integrating Ukrainians fleeing from war, the Baltic states faced similar challenges to other European Union countries. But there are also aspects unique to this region’s Soviet past, which raise questions about specific forms of solidarity in post-imperial Eastern Europe. We will look at how solidarity fits into the social fabric and memory of these two countries.
In our presentation, we will examine the personal trajectories of people who have supported displaced Ukrainians in historically contested and shared sites of hospitality. We will also reflect on how hospitality encourages the emergence of ‘reflexivities’ among hosts in the face of ‘unravelling social bonds’ and ‘forges new ties’ between people and places.
This research is based on fieldwork carried out in Tallinn and Riga between December 2022 and June 2024, including interviews with volunteers and on-site observations.
Prof. Dr. Françoise Daucé (École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS); Centre for Russian, Caucasian and Central European Studies (CERCEC))
Prof. Dr. Anne le Huérou (Paris Nanterre University; Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique)
Prof. Dr. Inta Mieriņa (University of Latvia)
PD Dr. Tsypylma Darieva (ZOiS)
Forquestions and information please send an e-mail to domas.lavrukaitis(at)zois-berlin(dot)de.