Video: Podiumsdiskussion

Covid-19 in Belarus and the regional context


Discussion with Olga Dryndova and Andrei Yeliseyeu

Belarus’ handling of the Corona pandemic crisis has raised severe criticism domestically and evoked astonishment by external observers. Public information policy and official data in the country is met with civic disbelief and stands in stark contrast to the accounts of individual activists and medics. The question whether Belarus is pursuing a strategy of mitigation as opposed to the strategy of containment (that other countries in the region adhere to), how this strategy is perceived by Belarusian society, and what different scenarios could be expected from this were subjects of our online event.


  • Olga Dryndova (Editor of the Belarus Analysen / University of Bremen)
  • Andrei Yeliseyeu (Research Director of the EAST Center)
  • Chair: Nadja Douglas (ZOiS)