Podiumsdiskussion | #30PostSovietYears

Restoring European Security. From Managing Relations to Principled Cooperation

Podiumsdiskussion | #30PostSovietYears

Restoring European Security. From Managing Relations to Principled Cooperation


Digital Lunch Talk organised by FES ROCPE in cooperation with ZOiS

with Ute Finckh-Krämer (Peace policy expert), Irina Busygina (Professor at the Higher School of Economics), Lukasz Kulesa (Deputy Head of Research at the Polish Institute of International Affairs) and Simon Weiss (FES ROCPE)

1990/91 marked the end of the division of Europe and the onset of a new era of radical political and social change. The special summit of the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) in Paris in November 1990 raised hopes and expectations not only among heads of state or government, but also among societies and civil societies in particular. Many were anticipating a new era of cooperative security in Europe and dialogue between societies in East and West. Yet, many of these great ideas were ultimately doomed to fail and the vision of a new European peace order has not really materialised.

In the context of the thematic year #30PostSovietYears ZOiS, in co-operation with FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, will take a critical look ahead. The aim is to shed light on diverging perspectives based on the development since then. How do we come up with a European security framework which will enable a peaceful coexistence between competitive powers? How to combine  ideas and expectations on the level of state politics with those at the level of social movements? What were the limitations of new visions? And finally: What are the prospects for cooperative security in Europe today?

When all summit meetings during the visit of US president Joe Biden are over, it is worth reflecting on whether or not there is common ground for improving the status quo in terms of security policy beyond all the declarations of unity (G7, NATO) and intentions of dialogue and determination (USA / RF in Geneva). What can be built upon and what must be adapted to new political realities? Which initiative and policies are most suitable to change the current trajectory and open the process towards cooperative security in wider Europe?

Since June 2019, 16 experts from the OSCE area have discussed the question of reviving co-operative security in several working sessions. A final report has been published recently, which will form the basis for our discussion.  


  • Ute Finckh-Krämer (Peace policy expert, former Member of the German Bundestag)
  • Irina Busygina (Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Director of the Centre for Comparative Governance Studies)
  • Lukasz Kulesa (Deputy Head of Research at the Polish Institute of International Affairs)
  • Moderation: Simon Weiss (FES ROCPE)




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